Pixelart happenings and opinions
In Art, Gamedev

Pixelart happenings and opinions

Jun 16, 2014
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In these last months, other than working on Goscurry, fighting bureaucracy and other stuff, for once I did only the graphics for a couple games, both in pixelart (or “pixel art”, but I like the loose portmanteau version better). They are Earthling Priorities — a mini adventure game — and People In Love — a city sim where positive planning and people’s happiness are the most important factors — both still under […]

Goscurry got greenlit! Hints & Obvious Tips
In Gamedev

Goscurry got greenlit! Hints & Obvious Tips

Mar 30, 2014

A few days ago, after almost a year, Goscurry got finally greenlit. I honestly don’t know if a miracle happened, or if it was just because Valve felt pity for it, since it was standing there all alone for so long. Or maybe it’s because they’re gonna shut down Greenlight and thought “Let’s make some […]

My favorite Unity assets

My favorite Unity assets

Mar 16, 2014

Updated: 27 March 2015. The assets I use (and love) (in strict alphabetical order) 2D Toolkit. Even after Unity 4.3 introduced its own 2D engine, 2D Toolkit managed to integrate with it and is still the best 2D solution with the most efficient sprite management, even if since Unity 4.6 I don’t use it for UIs anymore, but only […]

Tutorial – a silly short story
In Tales

Tutorial – a silly short story

Mar 15, 2014

I wake up and open my eyes. The world fades into existence. The world looks like a storehouse. I tilt my head around, noticing the flat grey walls surrounding me, and what looks like an obstacle course ahead. I also notice that I’m standing, which makes me wonder if I’m a horse, since I was […]

The Gamedev Tourist Guide to Rome

The Gamedev Tourist Guide to Rome

Mar 11, 2014
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Since some gamedev friends might come to Rome sooner or later, where I was born and still live 20% of the year, I thought I’d share a blog post about my personal tourist guide, for people that have never been there. Beware: this is a guide FROM a gamedev, not TO gamedevs (meaning I won’t […]

Unity: pros and cons of coding into DLLs

Unity: pros and cons of coding into DLLs

Mar 10, 2014

I think it was a couple years ago, when, annoyed by name conflicts with loose Unity scripts and looking for better code completion, I decided to only code inside assemblies. Less than a month ago, I went back to loose scripts. Unity 4 finally introduced namespaces (even if with a few bugs), and insisting to […]

Yoda’s Witnesses
Goscurry, an anime-ish wallpaper
In Art, Gamedev

Goscurry, an anime-ish wallpaper

Mar 8, 2014
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A few minutes ago I had a strange magical moment. You know, like when the stars align and shit like that. It happened to me. I was working on the computer, and then, for no apparent reason, I closed all the billions of cluttered windows I always have on the desktop. And, woah, I saw […]

The Esperanta
In Art

The Esperanta

Mar 7, 2014
One Comment

There’s tons of stuff I should have blogged about in the past, but didn’t. So, I’m being silly and will start with some illustrations, instead than game development. A while ago, Indie Vault held a small art contest, whose theme was “invent a hero and his magic weapon”. It was fun, and I placed second. […]

Beware the Demiblog

Beware the Demiblog

Mar 7, 2014

Sooo. I closed Holoville Games (and Holoville), and now am DEMIGIANT. I made a new website. Now gotta start a new blog too. The old blog was kind of erased by some crazy server changes (yes, I just posted a link that will bring you to a 404 page, if you’re in the near future, that’s […]

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