Unity Icons
Since I’m a nerd and a Unity asset dev, I have tons of Unity installations (even if way less than Jean Fabre who is crazy). So here’s a ZIP with different icons (Windows .ico and OSX .icns) for each Unity major, minor and beta version. Red icons are the ones intended for betas. Download Unity Icons […]

Ludum Dare 32, An Unconventional Weapon
I participated in the last LD31 (with The Screening, made with Gaetano Leonardi and Luigi di Guida), but for this LD32 I am way too busy, so I’ll have to skip it. Still, I just came back home to check the theme: An Unconventional Weapon Then gave me the usual 15 minutes to come out with a game […]

Upgrade guide: from HOTween to DOTween
This upgrade guide is aimed at HOTween users that want to switch to the new (and much much better, if I may say so—and by Jove I can: I made them both) DOTween. The logic HOTween and DOTween share the same logic. They both have Tweener, Sequence, and more generic Tween classes. They both have the same range of settings […]

What is a tween engine?
I used tween engines all my life, and in the last 4 years I even made two of them (HOTween and DOTween —HOTween v2— for Unity). So I can shamelessly state that I’m kind of an expert, or at least I’m in the know. Anyway, one question I get asked very often is: “What is a tween engine?” […]

Music holding companies VS YouTubers VS Gamedevs
In these days I’m finally releasing Goscurry on Steam. Marketing is important for a release, and that means not only magazines but also YouTubers. The relationship between game developers and YouTubers has sometimes been the subject of some controversies, but in the end it’s very reciprocal. We create games they can make videos about, they give us exposure and fresh […]

Combu: leaderboards and more for Unity, on your server
Until a few months ago, I used to rely on an online platform for the leaderboards of my games. It was easy to use and free within a limited amount of users, so I was happy. But there was a con, which I realized only later: being an online platform, I had to rely on someone else’s servers for my leaderboards to […]

Unity: a few fundamentally banal tips
I found this unpublished and incomplete post of mine, written in July 2014, on December 2017. Even if it’s pretty old I decided to publish it anyway (keeping the original date when I wrote it), since I believe it can still be useful advice. I hope that soon I’ll find the time to write something more recent, because I […]

Pixelart happenings and opinions
In these last months, other than working on Goscurry, fighting bureaucracy and other stuff, for once I did only the graphics for a couple games, both in pixelart (or “pixel art”, but I like the loose portmanteau version better). They are Earthling Priorities — a mini adventure game — and People In Love — a city sim where positive planning and people’s happiness are the most important factors — both still under […]

Goscurry got greenlit! Hints & Obvious Tips
A few days ago, after almost a year, Goscurry got finally greenlit. I honestly don’t know if a miracle happened, or if it was just because Valve felt pity for it, since it was standing there all alone for so long. Or maybe it’s because they’re gonna shut down Greenlight and thought “Let’s make some […]

Unity: pros and cons of coding into DLLs
I think it was a couple years ago, when, annoyed by name conflicts with loose Unity scripts and looking for better code completion, I decided to only code inside assemblies. Less than a month ago, I went back to loose scripts. Unity 4 finally introduced namespaces (even if with a few bugs), and insisting to […]